How We Have Helped

How We Have Helped

Three hours or less

“Oh yeah, and by the way – you have three hours or less to knock this off.” That is how the phone call ended with two recent clients. Both needed consensus decisions and a pathway forward, and they both needed it ASAP.

The first job required the development of a risk register for a high profile Defence project. We facilitated a Risk Management workshop with more than 30 delegates representing over 10 different organisations / government divisions. After taking the group through exercises that enabled personal opinions to be expressed and a common understanding to be developed, we commenced the process of identifying project risks. The risk triggers and their impacts were considered before the risks identified were assessed and management strategies to address the most serious issues were brainstormed and agreed. Responsibility for implementing those strategies was allocated to the most appropriate team member, with time frames for completion established. The consensus decisions that emerged were confirmed and documented. After the workshop, we produced an action plan and a report that included the risk register, plus a soft copy of the risk register to facilitate regular updating as the project unfolds and circumstances change.

The second assignment involved us in developing a workshop structure to obtain from key stakeholders, sufficient information to enable a world class and fit for purpose digital strategy to be developed. In this case, our client was a leading multi-national pharmaceutical company. The project manager, an expert in the digital space, engaged us to run the workshop involving her, the management team, division heads and comms specialists. Our involvement enabled the PM to contribute completely and freely to the conversation, while we took care of structure and process. We guided the group through a series of steps so they could develop and agree the cornerstones or critical objectives of the digital strategy. Having done this, the group was invited to brainstorm their “wish lists” in terms of functionality and reach. The report that we produced equipped the PM not only with a comprehensive record of the discussions that had occurred and agreements that had been made, but importantly, it was a document that provided a reference point for the development of the digital strategy and associated documentation.

We would be delighted to talk to you about assisting you to achieve success in your business endeavours by freeing you and your team members to do what you and they do best, while we take care of group structure, communication and recording.

Please contact us – initial consultations are cost and obligation free.


As consultants, we are exposed to the operational culture and undertakings of a diverse range of organisations in both the private and public sectors.

We have noticed a growing trend, particularly among our more progressive clients, to pursue the goal of becoming “learning organisations”. They continually examine, reflect and explore options to improve. They recognise that a detailed and objective examination of past projects offers amazing learning potential and opportunities to improve efficiency.

Over recent months there has been high demand for Project Review services. We have facilitated a number of workshops, mainly for our public sector clients, which have involved the critical analysis of recently completed projects.

We worked with the NSW Department of Education and Communities, and visited schools across the state where new or refurbished facilities had been built. -In each instance, standard designs and standard fixtures and fittings were used.

Our brief was to liaise with key players involved in the planning, briefing, design and construction stages, as well as the users (students and staff) and maintainers, to assess both the final product and the adopted project delivery process. The purpose was to identify areas for improvement, in addition to areas of excellence, leading to number of lessons to be carried forward.

The client’s overall goal was to support the concept of a “learning organisation” by accessing information that would ensure expenditure on future projects is spent wisely and effectively, and that value for money is achieved.

We facilitated series of workshops across Sydney and Regional NSW, which revealed a number of issues that consistently emerged. Our client is now fully aware of these, and has used this information to tweak the relevant standards and reassess design of certain fixtures and fittings.

Lessons that defined critical elements for success have also been taken on board, some of these have resulted in fine tuning the contractual arrangements employed.

We also ran a number of Project Review workshops for Sydney Water. In addition to the internal project delivery team, end users and maintainers, the contractor was also invited to attend. This proved to be an effective way to engage in open and honest dialogue about the performance of all parties to the contract. Contractors were provided with feedback about their work ethic, management style and workmanship – all in a setting that was frank yet non confrontational.

A survey distributed to workshop participants after the session seeking views on the effectiveness and value of the process, produced very positive results.

100% of respondents agreed the workshop objectives had been met, and 100% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that the facilitator had kept the group focussed and on track.

We would be delighted to talk to you about helping you achieve success in your business endeavours. Please contact us – initial consultations are cost and obligation free.